/ en / RESULTS

KVP s KV - chrti, klub 3037 - Results of the competitipons

30. 4. 2023
Best Kennel (3)
1. 420 | Gandamak | Afgánský chrt
2. 419 | UnderSharpHill | Deerhound
3. 422 | del Khazaris |
Best Couple (3)
1. 416 | Afgánský chrt | Benjamin Gandamak Slovakia | Winnie Harlow Gandamak
2. 413 | | Târik Jâdugar Har Kala Rachi | Tire Amali Jâdu Har Kala Rachi
3. 415 | Whippet | Cre´me Anglaise ´s Bubbikins | Whipcat Pearl in a Shell
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